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Stay Positive and Feel the Feels

文/ Avah S.12年级
是积极的. It sounds so cliché, doesn’t it? 然而,, a few weeks ago, I found myself giving one of my friends this advice, ,天啊, did I hate myself as soon as I said it. I know when I am given this advice, I cringe and roll my eyes, because it’s so easily said, and so difficult to act upon.

Every day, we make choices. 这些决定不一定与我们选择什么时候离开房间去吃早餐或我们选择穿什么衣服去运动有关, but they can relate to much more emotional choices. It isn’t as if when we wake up, 我们面临着选择今天是美好的一天还是糟糕的一天, because that just isn’t realistic for a lot of us. 但是你可以做一些事情来改变你对某一天、某件事或某项承诺的看法.

对我来说, 我试着回忆自己的童年,对生活感到惊奇,而不是挑出那些让我感到沉重的事情. As my mother would tell me, only you have the power to change the course of your day, no matter what track you’re on. 

Once again, this seems so much easier said than done. 但最近,我一直在努力让自己变得更积极. 我在消极中生活得如此惬意,以至于忘记了积极是什么感觉, how much lighter it is to carry with you every day. 当然, being positive is difficult sometimes, especially when you are surrounded by negativity, which is so easy to feed off of from others. 当消极情绪从其他人身上散发出来时,感觉消极是更容易的选择.

但是你有没有意识到分享别人的积极向上是多么令人满意和有益呢? 我一直很感激那些让我感觉更积极的人, and I hope I can be that individual for someone else, just to brighten their day.

对我来说, those people have been Coach K during my prefect duties, Quinn in Lit, Lana during our dinner dates in LeBaron, Camryn during our chats in the library, my entire advisor group making me laugh, Gloria in Human Geo, Mr. G,先生. Van Dyke and Chaz during Soundtrax Club, Mr. Chandler and Ms. 还有我们共同的笑话,我忘不了麦迪和我们在塔克店的工作. 所有这些人和更多的人都帮助我照亮了一天,并最终使我更容易变得更积极. 这些人是积极的灯塔,帮助我每天朝着积极的方向前进. 你也可以帮助自己,只要在脸上露出微笑. 

现在, 我不希望你们所有人都认为这意味着你们只能感到悲伤或快乐, because that is also not realistic. In order to feel all the good things, you have to allow yourself to go through hard times, to feel those deep and heavy emotions and welcome them. Allow yourself to assign value to every emotion you feel, because they all come from somewhere and should be appreciated. It is a gift to feel and to be moved.

But do not linger on these troublesome emotions for too long, do not let them have that power over you, because you have the power to change your outlook, 而不是他们.

记住每件事都是暂时的意味着即使是挑战的重量也是暂时的. 光明和喜悦总是存在的,只是有时你需要更加努力地寻找它们. Feeling is difficult, but as an emotional person, I’ve realized you can feel so much, so why restrict yourself to feelings that tarnish your day to day? 

So, heading into the last leg of the race, AKA the last term of school, do something for yourself and try your best to appreciate. 试着往好的方面看,因为这样可以减轻你肩上的负担. 尝试新事物,结识新朋友,感谢那些为你指明方向的人. Maybe, even try to be a beacon of light for them. 
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